Cvetličarka: Odrezan v kali
Flower Shop Mystery: Snipped in the Bud, Kanada
Imdb ocena 6.7
Žanr: misterij
Igrajo: Brooke Shields, Brennan Elliott, Melissa Bolona, Beau Bridges
Režija: Bradley Walsh
Avtorji: Kate Collins (novela), Gary Goldstein (tv priredba)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Cvetličarka in nekdanja odvetnica Abby Knight je obtožena umora nekdanjega tekmeca s fakultete, na kogar je po naključju naletela med dostavo črnih vrtnic krajevni univerzi. Loti se preiskave in kmalu sestavi seznam osumljencev.Čedna Abby Knight je nekdanja odvetnica, zdaj pa lastnica čudovite cvetličarne Bloomers v Illinoisu. Nekega dne dobi skrivnostno naročilo za dostavo črnih vrtnic krajevni univerzi, s katero ima za seboj pestro preteklost in kjer študira njena hči, zato sklene cvetlice osebno nesti tja. Po prihodu nepričakovano naleti na nekdanjega tekmeca s fakultete, v nadaljevanju pa ga po spletu nenavadnih okoliščin najde umorjenega v njegovi pisarni. Na morilskem orožju najdejo njene prstne odtise in tako postane Abby glavna osumljenka v dramatični preiskavi umora. Nenadoma jo nadleguje surovi policijski detektiv ter zasleduje vztrajni poročevalec. Pritisk je čedalje večji in Abby slabo kaže, zato se sklene še sama lotiti preiskave. Za pomoč prosi čednega lastnika bara in nekdanjega zasebnega detektiva Marca. Skupaj sestavita seznam osumljencev, na katerem so tudi učitelji z univerze in njihovi ljubimci, ki imajo vsi utemeljen razlog za srhljivi zločin.
Originalni opis filma:
Abby Knight is a beautiful ex-attorney and proprietor of Bloomers, a quaint Illinois flower shop. When she receives a mysterious order for black roses to be delivered to the law department of the local university, Abby, having a colorful history with the school and a daughter who is currently a student, decides to deliver the flowers herself. Upon her arrival, Abby crosses paths with an old law school rival, only to find him murdered in his office shortly after their encounter. When Abby's fingerprints are found on the murder weapon, she becomes the chief suspect in a dramatic homicide investigation, finding herself hounded by a hard-boiled detective and pursued by a relentless reporter. When things heat up and start looking bad for Abby, she decides to conduct her own murder investigation, enlisting the support of Marco, a handsome bar owner and ex- private investigator. With Marco's help, Abby gathers and interrogates a list of suspects, including school faculty and their wives and lovers, each having a plausible motive for committing the grisly crime. With a killer on the loose - and a budding romance with Marco beginning to sizzle - the flower shop owner-turned-sleuth struggles to solve the case and prove her innocence, before it's too late.