Dežela piflarjev
Nerdland, ZDA, 85 min
Imdb ocena 5.4
Žanr: risani, komedija
Igrajo: Paul Rudd, Patton Oswalt, Hannibal Buress, Kate Micucci
Režija: Chris Prynoski
Avtorji: Andrew Kevin Walker
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Animirana komedija v ospredje postavlja dva prijatelja Johna in Elliota, ki nekega dne ugotovita, da se njune sanje o bogastvu in slavi ne bodo uresničile, zato se odločita, da bosta za vsako ceno v enem dnevu postala zvezdi. Toda, ker jima manjka tako pameti kot talenta, bosta za dosego svojega cilja skušala izkoristiti svoje prijatelje. Bosta končno dosegla, kar si tako zelo želita?
Originalni opis filma:
NERDLAND is the story of two best friends, aspiring screenwriter ELLIOT and aspiring actor JOHN, whose dreams of super-stardom have fizzled. With their 30th birthdays looming and their desperation growing, John and Elliot decide that in this 24/7, celebrity-obsessed world of over-shared navel-gazing, there are more ways to become famous -- or infamous -- then ever before. So why not become famous TODAY? NERDLAND is that day. Making up for what they lack in brains and talent with abundant, witless enthusiasm, John and Elliot troll Los Angeles on a fame-grab journey, encountering and abusing friends both new and old. Navigating their hyper-stimulating landscape of consumerism gone wild, our two consumers want desperately to be consumed -- and they will have their FAME, no matter what the cost.