Divja prerijska vrtnica
Wild Prairie Rose, United States, 90 min
Imdb ocena 6.7
Žanr: drama, družinski
Igrajo: Tara Samuel, Troy Kotsur, Suanne Spoke
Režija: Deborah LaVine
Avtorji: Sharon Greene
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Zgodba spremlja mlado Rose Miller, ki je zaposlena v uspešnem podjetju in je zadovoljna s svojim življenjem. Toda ko izve, da je njena mama hudo bolna, se odloči, da se bo vrnila v svoj rojstni kraj Beresford v Južni Dakoti, da bi skrbela za njo. Kmalu se spoprijatelji z gluhim Jamesom, lastnikom trgovine, ki ji pomaga pri snemanju filma za mamo. Rose ugotovi, da včasih odkriješ tisto, kar iščeš, tam, kjer najmanj pričakuješ, saj najde ljubezen in se nauči ceniti življenje, ki ga je pustila za sabo.
Originalni opis filma:
In 1952 Rose Miller returns to her rural hometown of Beresford, South Dakota to care for her ailing mother. Once there, she falls in love with a deaf man and must decide if she has the courage to follow her heart. Wild Prairie Rose is an examination of the changing roles of women in 1950s America and in the ways that people who have great differences can learn to communicate with one another. It is a film that focuses on one woman's story, and yet challenges the audience to examine their own assumptions about what makes a good life.