Dobri poštar
The Good Postman, Finska, Bolgarija
Imdb ocena 7.3
Žanr: dokumentarni
Režija: Tonislav Hristov
Avtorji: Tonislav Hristov, Lubomir Tsvetkov
Jezik: bolgarski
Slovenski opis filma:
Film prinaša tragikomični prikaz bolgarske vasice na meji s Turčijo med begunsko krizo. Krajevni poštar Ivan ima vizijo; odloči se kandidirati za župana in svojo umirajočo vas oživiti z izrekom dobrodošlice beguncem. Bolgarska vasica na meji s Turčijo se je uspešno upirala zavojevalcem in drugim prišlekom še iz časa Otomanskega imperija. Volilno okrožje 38 ostarelih Bolgarov je zdaj pred težko odločitvijo. "Velika vrata", kakor so vasici že stoletja govorili zaradi njene lege, so se znašla sredi evropske begunske krize; vsako noč se mimo obmejnih organov neopazno tihotapijo prosilci za azil. Neznana naselbina je nenadoma postala najpomembnejša evropska skrivna vrzel. Krajevni poštar Ivan ima vizijo; odloči se kandidirati za župana in svojo umirajočo vas oživiti z izrekom dobrodošlice beguncem. Njegovi nasprotniki bi radi zamižali, še raje pa zaprli meje in vnovič uvedli komunistični režim. Medtem ko se kampanja nadaljuje, Ivan spozna, da dobri nameni še zdaleč niso dovolj, zato pa šteje tudi najmanjše dejanje dobre volje.
Originalni opis filma:
A small and stubborn Bulgarian village facing the Turkish border has been resisting foreign invaders since the times of the Roman and Ottoman Empires. Now its electorate of 38 elderly Bulgarians is deciding on future of Europe. The Great Gate, as the village has been called for centuries because of its location on the doorsteps of the former Ottoman Empire, has found itself in the middle of European crisis, as at night asylum seekers sneak across the border causing fear and unrest. Once again the sleepy and forgotten village has become the most important secret loophole of Europe. Postman Ivan has a new political vision. He decides to run for mayor to bring the dying village to life by welcoming refugees. His opponents want either to close their eyes or close down the border and reintroduce communism. Busy on the campaign trail while delivering the mail, Ivan soon learns that while good intentions are not enough, even the smallest deeds matter.