Houston, imamo problem!
Houston, We Have a Problem!, Hrvaška, Nemčija, Češka, Katar, Slovenija, 88 min
Imdb ocena 7.8
Žanr: dokumentarni, drama
Režija: Ziga Virc
Avtorji: Bostjan Virc, Ziga Virc
Jezik: slovenski, Croatian, angleški, srbski
Slovenski opis filma:
Hladna vojna, vesoljska tekma in pristanek na Luni so prelomne točke nekega obdobja, a tudi snov za teorije zarote. Fiktivni dokumentarec raziskuje mit tajnega dogovora v zakulisju ameriškega nakupa jugoslovanskega vesoljskega programa. Mednarodne spletke v času hladne vojne, razkritja skrivnih dokumentov ter zakulisni dogovor med ameriškim predsednikom Johnom F. Kennedyjem in jugoslovanskim maršalom Titom so samo vrh ledene gore v režijskem prvencu slovenskega filmskega ustvarjalca Žige Virca. Njegov fiktivni dokumentarec briše meje med dejstvi in namišljenimi dogodki ter preiskuje mit v ozadju ameriške dirke, da bi kot prva država poslali človeka na Mesec. Posel, vreden več milijard dolarjev, naj bi predvidel nakup jugoslovanskega vesoljskega programa s strani ZDA v zgodnjih šestdesetih letih. S spretnim prepletanjem arhivskih posnetkov in sodobnih intervjujev s filozofom Slavojem Žižkom ter z nekaterimi ključnimi osebnostmi v preiskavi, med drugim z upokojenim generalom jugoslovanske ljudske armade, film prinaša fascinantno metapripovedno študijo diplomacije v času hladne vojne ter prikaz načel pri nastajanju sodobnih mitov. Laži, manipulacija in umazane politične igrice postanejo pomemben člen pri gradnji narodne identitete.
Originalni opis filma:
The cold war, the space race, and NASA's moon landing are iconic events that defined an era. They are also fodder for conspiracy theories. In Houston, We Have a Problem! filmmaker Ziga Virc explores the myth of a secret multi-billion-dollar deal involving America's purchase of Yugoslavia's space program in the early 1960s. This masterfully crafted feature-length docu-fiction is an intriguing blend of reality and fiction that recreates recent history through the prism of conspiracy theories. It invites the audience to make up its own mind about what is invented and what is real. In between the blurred lines of reality and fiction, Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek asks the billion-dollar question: 'What is truth?' Using a wealth of archive footage, the film brings together all the strands of the myth through an eyewitness account from Ivan, a senior space engineer in the controversial Yugoslav space program. After WW2, Yugoslav intelligence reveals the existence of long-lost space technology plans to their strongman Josip Broz Tito. Trapped between east and west, President Tito decides to exploit this opportunity for his new socialist state of Yugoslavia by secretly developing an ambitious space program. In March 1961, the program is sold to the U.S. Two months later President John F. Kennedy announces that the first American will be sent to the Moon. Regardless of what really happened, millions of people believe this is the historical truth, and that the two events are connected. 50 years after the Yugoslav secret service faked his death and sent him to America to work for NASA, Ivan finally returns home for an awkward reunion with the daughter he has never met. American historian Roger McMillan reconstructs the chain of events from the 1960s, using recently declassified documents. Together with Franc, a retired general from the Yugoslav People's Army who worked on both the national space program and the cover-up, they reveal a complex web of secrets, lies, manipul