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Jack Reacher: Nikoli se ne vrni

Jack Reacher: Nikoli se ne vrni, 2016

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, Kitajska, ZDA, 118 min

Imdb ocena 6.1

Žanr: akcijski, avantura, kriminalni

Igrajo: Tom Cruise, Cobie Smulders, Aldis Hodge, Danika Yarosh

Režija: Edward Zwick

Avtorji: Richard Wenk (scenarij), Edward Zwick (scenarij), Marshall Herskovitz (scenarij), Lee Child (knjiga)

Jezik: angleški, ukrajinski

Jack Reacher: Nikoli se ne vrni - Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

Slovenski opis filma:

Ko majorko Turner obtožijo vohunstva in izdaje, Jack Reacher ugotovi, da je bila tarča velike vladne zarote. Nekdanji vojaški policist tvega vse, da bi razkril mogočno organizacijo, ki bo za vsako ceno skušala zavarovati svoje skrivnosti.Režiser nepozabnih zgodb "Jesenska pripoved", "Poslednji samuraj" in "Krvavi diamant" prinaša naslednje poglavje prigod nekdanjega vojaškega policista Jacka Reacherja (Tom Cruise), specialista za orožje in borilne veščine. Po štirih letih samotarskega iskanja pravice se vrne v oporišče svoje nekdanje enote, da bi pojasnil nesporazume v zvezi s preteklimi dogodki. Njegovo zaupnico in zvezo v oporišču, majorko Susan Turner (Cobie Smulders), nepričakovano obtožijo vohunstva in zaprejo, Jacku pa naprtijo krivdo za umor izpred šestnajstih let. Brez obotavljanja se odpravi pomagat prijateljici, nato pa skupaj na begu začneta raziskovati temačno zaroto, ki sega v sam vrh vojaškega poveljstva. Za nameček se jima pridruži težavno uporniško dekle, ki bi lahko bila Jackova davno izgubljena hči, za katero doslej sploh ni vedel. Zgodba je osnovana po osemnajstem romanu Leeja Childa iz serije knjižnih uspešnic, ki so se po vsem svetu prodale v sto milijonski nakladi.

Originalni opis filma:

After accomplishing the assignment of dismantling a human trafficking organization, the former military and drifter Jack Reacher goes to Washington to invite his liaison, Major Susan Turner, to have dinner with him. However, he meets her substitute, Colonel Sam Morgan, who explains that Major Turner has been arrested and accused of espionage. Jack seeks out her veteran lawyer, Colonel Bob Moorcroft, who explains that Major Turner has also been accused of the murders of two soldiers in Afghanistan. Further, he also tells Jack he is being sued, accused by a woman of being the father of her fifteen year-old daughter, Samantha. When Moorcroft is murdered, Jack is accused of being the killer and sent to a prison. He sees that Turner and he have been framed and also that Turner will be killed by two assassins. However, he rescues her and they flee. Soon, they realize that there is a conspiracy involving military people from the army and a government contractor that is a powerful arms dealer. Jack also learns that Samantha is in danger and Turner and he rescue her. They decide to protect her since a skilled assassin is hunting them down while they try to find the motive of the conspiracy. Who can be trusted?