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Jerry Lewis - kdo je ta klovn?

Jerry Lewis - kdo je ta klovn?, 2016

Jerry Lewis: The Man Behind the Clown, Francija, ZDA, 61 min

Imdb ocena 8.4

Žanr: dokumentarni, biografski, komedija

Igrajo: Jerry Lewis, Martin Scorsese, Sean Hayes, Pierre Étaix

Režija: Gregory Monro

Avtorji: Gregory Monro

Jezik: angleški, francoski

Jerry Lewis - kdo je ta klovn? - Jerry Lewis: The Man Behind the Clown

Slovenski opis filma:

Francosko-ameriški film, 2016 Režija in scenarij: Gregory Monro Nastopajo: Jerry Lewis, Martin Scorsese, Sean Hayes Pred nami je portret življenja in dela enega največjih komikov zadnjega stoletja, kralja fizične komedije Jerryja Lewisa, ki je umrl 20. avgusta 2017. Film raziskuje zanimivo skrito ozadje Lewisovega ustvarjanja in žanr »nizke«, fizične komedije. Igralec je h klovnovski maski, otroškemu pačenju in fizičnim gegom pristopal na študijski način. Mož, rojen pod imenom Joseph Levitsch, pravi, da je lik Jerryja Lewisa njegov življenjski izum, do katerega je vseskozi ohranjal analitično distanco. Kljub značilnemu ameriškemu humorju so ga najtopleje sprejeli evropski gledalci, krog francoskih filmskih kritikov pa ga je občudoval kot velikega umetnika. Film bogatijo prodorni intervjuji s sodobnimi filmskimi kritiki in režiserji ter arhivski posnetki.

Originalni opis filma:

Since the early days, Jerry Lewis - in the line of Chaplin, Keaton and Laurel - had the masses laughing with his visual gags, pantomime sketches and signature slapstick humor. Yet Lewis was far more than just a clown. He was also a groundbreaking filmmaker whose unquenchable curiosity led him to write, produce, stage and direct many of the films he appeared in, resulting in such adored classics as The Bellboy, The Ladies Man, The Errand Boy, and The Nutty Professor. By becoming a "total filmmaker," Lewis surpassed expectations as a comic performer and emerged as a driving force in Hollywood. He broke boundaries with his technical innovations, unique voice and keen visual eye, even garnering respect and praise overseas. However, American critics and the cultural elite tended to reject his abrasive art. While they viewed Lewis as nothing more than just a clown, others like the French recognized him as a true auteur, giving rise to questions that have perplexed American pop culture for over 50 years: Why do Europeans love Jerry Lewis? What is this inexplicable aversion Americans have towards him? Is he just a brash, anything-for-yuk buffoon? Or is he a creative genius? Who is the man behind the clown?