Legenda o Tarzanu
The Legend of Tarzan, Velika Britanija, Kanada, ZDA, 110 min
Imdb ocena 6.2
Žanr: akcijski, avantura, drama
Igrajo: Alexander Skarsgård, Rory J. Saper, Christian Stevens, Christoph Waltz
Režija: David Yates
Avtorji: Adam Cozad (screenplay by), Craig Brewer (screenplay by), Craig Brewer (story by), Adam Cozad (story by), Edgar Rice Burroughs (based on the "Tarzan" stories created by)
Jezik: angleški, Lingala, francoski
Slovenski opis filma:
Več let potem, ko je zapustil pragozd in se ustalil s soprogo Jane, se Tarzan vrne v Kongo kot posebni odposlanec državnega zbora. Sooči se s pohlepnim belgijskim kapitanom Romom, ki ima zlovešče načrte z njegovo afriško domovino.Režiser čarovniške sage o Harryju Potterju prinaša novo akcijsko različico klasične zgodbe Edgarja Rica Burroughsa o džungelskem bojevniku Tarzanu ter njegovem boju za pravico in svobodo. Minilo je več let, odkar je mož, svojčas znan kot Tarzan (Alexander Skarsgård), zapustil afriški pragozd in ob svoji ljubljeni ženi Jane (Margot Robbie) zaživel bolj ugledno življenje kot John Clayton III., lord Greystoke. Zdaj ga vabijo nazaj v Kongo kot odposlanca parlamenta, a se ne zaveda, da je sam zgolj šahovska figura v smrtonosnem spoju pohlepa in maščevalnih namenov, za katerimi stoji Belgijec, kapitan Leon Rom (dvakratni oskarjevec Christoph Waltz). Vendar se vsem, ki naklepajo to morilsko zaroto, še sanja ne, da se igrajo z ognjem. Ko se v smrtni nevarnosti znajde tudi Jane, mora Tarzan v sebi vnovič najti divje korenine in na pomoč poklicati vse svoje živalske prijatelje.
Originalni opis filma:
Following his parents' death in Africa, John Clayton has been be raised by an ape, was known by the name Tarzan, but eventually left Africa and for his parents' home in England, along with the woman he fell in love with and married, Jane Porter. He is asked by Belgian King Leopold to go to Africa to see what he has done there to help the country. Initially, he refuses. But an American, George Washington Williams, wants him to accept so he can accompany him. He says that Leopold might be committing all sorts of atrocities to achieve his goal, like slavery. Clayton agrees and his wife insists that she accompany him because she misses Africa. When they arrive, a man named Rom, who works for Leopold, attacks their village and captures Tarzan and Jane. With Washington's help he escapes and sets out to rescue Jane by going across the jungle. Washington joins him despite being told that he might not make it.