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Lego DC Comics: Vesoljski spopad

Lego DC Comics: Vesoljski spopad, 2016

Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League - Cosmic Clash, ZDA, 78 min

Imdb ocena 6.4

Žanr: risani, akcijski, avantura, komedija, družinski, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Troy Baker, Jessica DiCicco, Grey Griffin, Josh Keaton

Režija: Rick Morales

Avtorji: James Krieg, Bob Kane (character created by: Batman), Jerry Siegel (character created by: Superman), Joe Shuster (character created by: Superman), William Moulton Marston (character created by: Wonder Woman), Marv Wolfman (character created by: Cyborg), G

Jezik: angleški

Lego DC Comics: Vesoljski spopad - Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League - Cosmic Clash

Slovenski opis filma:

Bo Batman ustavil intergalaktični stroj, ki lahko spreminja čas? Do sedaj so člani Lige pravice bili kos vsakemu nasprotniku, ki jih je izzval. Toda vsi sovražniki so imeli nekaj skupnega: bili so živi! Tokrat pa se bodo morali naši junaki spopasti z inteligentnim Brainiacom, neuničljivim strojem, ki ogroža celotno galaksijo. Bodo uspeli premagati zlobni superračunalnik?

Originalni opis filma:

Can the Justice League prevail against an unstoppable intergalactic machine with the power to bend time itself!? Until now, the Justice League has triumphed over every foe who has challenged them. This time, they face Brainiac, a super-intelligent invulnerable machine whose mad quest endangers all life in the galaxy. When Brainiac zaps Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern to different places in time, the race is on for Batman and The Flash to re-assemble the Justice League!