Materina preiskava
Blowtorch, ZDA, 80 min
Imdb ocena 4.2
Žanr: kriminalni, drama, triler
Igrajo: Lois Robbins, Jared Abrahamson, Armand Assante, William Baldwin
Režija: Kevin Breslin
Avtorji: Kevin Breslin (scenarij), Rosemary Breslin (scenarij)
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Ann Willis je pred kratkim postala vdova in se trudi, da bi preskrbela svoje tri otroke. Toda njeno družino kmalu pretrese nova tragedija. Ko nekdo umori njenega najstarejšega sina Davea, Ann na vsak način želi izslediti morilca in ga privesti pred roko pravice. Ker je prepričana, da je detektiv, ki preiskuje sinovo smrt, obupal nad primerom, se Ann odloči, da bo stvari vzela v svoje roke. Bo odkrila sinovega morilca?
Originalni opis filma:
Blowtorch is the story of Ann Willis, a recently widowed and financially struggling, mother of three. When her oldest son, Dave, is murdered, Ann cannot live with the fact that she does not know who killed him. The seasoned NYPD detective assigned to her son's murder case does not give her the attention she wants and the answers come too slowly, she gradually decides to take the investigation into her own hands.