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Mati, zalezovalka

Mati, zalezovalka, 2016

Stalked by My Mother, ZDA, 90 min

Imdb ocena 5.0

Žanr: misterij, triler

Igrajo: Jennifer Taylor, Danielle C. Ryan, Mia Topalian, Kevin Scott Allen

Režija: Doug Campbell

Avtorji: Doug Campbell

Jezik: angleški

Mati, zalezovalka - Stalked by My Mother

Slovenski opis filma:

Srednješolska maturantka Maddy Beauregard se je zaljubila v nekega fanta, kljub razburjenemu neodobravanju njene posesivne matere Claire. Claire ju kmalu zalezuje in Maddy se boji, da bi se njena mati odzvala z maščevanjem. Toda, Maddyjinega fanta umorijo, Maddy pa postane glavna osumljenka. Ve, kdo je to storil. Če lahko ostane živa dovolj dolgo, lahko to dokaže. Zdaj Maddy nima druge izbire, kot premagati policijo in izdati pravega morilca - svojo mater.

Originalni opis filma:

The overprotective mother thought her daughter Maddie was being kidnapped when in fact he was a teacher and at the library with his daughter lucy. Lucy's father committed suicide and Lucy blame Maddie and pretended to befriended Maddie when she was really after revenge. And use a fake name Gina west. She flew to new York under Gina and then check into a hotel and flew back to LA Under her lucy.