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Raj, 2016

Paradise, Rusija, Nemčija, 130 min

Imdb ocena 7.0

Žanr: drama, vojni

Igrajo: Peter Kurth, Yuliya Vysotskaya, Viktor Sukhorukov, Ramona Kunze-Libnow

Režija: Andrey Konchalovskiy

Avtorji: Andrey Konchalovskiy (scenarij), Elena Kiseleva (scenarij)

Jezik: ruski, nemški, francoski, jidijski

Raj - Paradise

Slovenski opis filma:

Leto produkcije: 2016 Država: Rusija, Nemčija Žanr: vojna drama Režija: Andrej Končalovski Scenarij: Andrej Končalovski, Elena Kiseleva Igrajo: Peter Kurth, Julija Visockaja, Viktor Sokurov, George Lenz, Philippe Duquesne Olga je ruska aristokratka, ki je pobegnila iz domovine in se zatekla v Francijo. Z dežja pod kap, bi se lahko reklo, saj Francijo kmalu okupirajo nacisti. Olga se poveže z odporniškim gibanjem in pristane v zaporu, ker je skrivala judovske otroke. Spozna Julesa, francoskega kolaboranta, ki mu je dodeljen njen primer. Postavna ženska kmalu povsem očara svojega rablja. V zameno za spolne usluge poskrbi, da je njegova ljubimka deležna raznih ugodnosti in jo zavaruje pred transportom v koncentracijsko taborišče. Vse dokler se Olga zaradi nepredvidenega spleta okoliščin vseeno ne znajde na vlaku, ki sopiha proti taborišču smrti. Tam doživi zemeljski ekvivalent pekla. Vseeno se kanček upanja za preživetje pojavi v obliki Helmuta, visokega oficija SS-a, ki je bil nekoč nesmrtno zaljubljen vanjo. Med njima vzplamti stara ljubezen, ki, tako kot nekoč, le da še z večjo intenzivnostjo, kmalu spet zavije v izprijen in destruktiven odnos. Vmes se taborišču približuje zavezniška armada. Bo Olga potonila s Helmutom ali rešila oba? Pretresljiva pripoved o drugi svetovni vojni, v kateri se prepletajo usode treh ljudi je leta 2016 v Benetkah zasluženo prejela srebrnega leva za najboljšo režijo.

Originalni opis filma:

Feature film about three people whose paths cross during a terrible time of war: Olga, a Russian aristocratic emigrant and member of the French Resistance; Jules, a French collaborator; and Helmut, a high-ranking German SS officer. Olga is arrested for hiding Jewish children during a raid. Her case is investigated by Jules who, attracted to her, offers to be soft on her if she'll sleep with him. But his intentions are cut short when he is killed by Resistance fighters. Olga is put into a concentration camp where she encounters Helmut who was once madly in love with her and still harbours feelings for her. Together they embark on a twisted and destructive relationship. As the Nazis face imminent defeat, Helmut decides to save Olga and escape with her to South America. Although she initially agrees to go with him, at the last moment she changes her mind. Prepared to die for her beliefs - the idea that all lives have a purpose and that even in the direst circumstances, people are capable of doing good, - she decides to save a life, that of a Jewish woman named Rosa, by taking her place in the gas chamber. "Paradise" is a slice of reality. It resembles an old film montage in which you may not always be sure what is happening but which you know is depicting an absolute truth. The film features original footage and confessional monologues by the main characters. Its aim is summed up perfectly by the words of German philosopher Karl Jaspers: "That which has happened is a warning. It must be continually remembered. It was possible for this to happen, and it remains possible for it to happen again at any minute. Only in knowledge can it be prevented."