Sen havajske kresne noči
A Midsummer's Hawaiian Dream, ZDA, 84 min
Imdb ocena 5.0
Žanr: komedija, romantični
Igrajo: Moani Aipia-Dolan, Brent Bailey, Sonya Balmores, Amy Carlson
Režija: Harry Cason
Avtorji: Stephen Beck, Harry Cason
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Profesorja antropologije Helen in Demitri se odpravita na Havaje, da bi v džungli poiskala starodavno relikvijo in tako preprečila gradnjo trgovskega centra, ki bi uničil gozd. Dokazati nameravata, da je zemlja, na kateri želijo graditi, sveta. Na ekspediciji se jima pridružita tudi zaljubljena študenta Zander in Hermione. Toda njihove načrte pokvari šaman, ki na njih vrže ljubezenski urok in tako povzroči pravo zmedo.
Originalni opis filma:
Attorney Tanya McQueen has hired a team of anthropologists to find an ancient artifact which, if found, would halt development of Nick Button's shopping mall in the sacred Hemolele Forest on Kaua'i. The team is led by the experienced duo of Helen and Demetri, joined by grad students Zander and Hermione. The team is seen by Omaka, a native Hawaiian kahuna, and his mischievous aide, Puka. Sensing Helen's yearning for passion from Demetri, Puka doses the man with the nectar of a special flower from the forest -- but he has dosed Zander instead, triggering confusion and hilarity. When Puka tries to make amends by dosing Demetri too, and later Tanya as well, the results are surprising and wonderfully zany. Love wins the day.