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Tek je svoboda

Tek je svoboda, 2016

Free to Run, Švica, Francija, Belgija, 90 min

Imdb ocena 7.2

Žanr: dokumentarni, zgodovinski, Športni

Igrajo: Joe Henderson, George Hirsch, Fred Lebow, Kathrine Switzer

Režija: Pierre Morath

Jezik: francoski, angleški

Tek je svoboda - Free to Run

Slovenski opis filma:

Moški in ženske, šampioni in običajni ljudje, na milijone jih vsako leto teče po ulicah New Yorka in stezah v Švicarskih Alpah, od Sao Paula do Pariza, Pekinga in Sydneyja. A pred komaj petdesetimi leti je bil tek dovoljen samo moškim, tekli pa so lahko samo na stadionih. Dokumentarni film z izjavami udeležencev in z arhivskim gradivom slika vznemirljivo pustolovščino tek – dejavnost na robu družbe in znamenje upora, ki se je spremenil v strast človeštva.

Originalni opis filma:

Today, all anybody needs to run is the determination and a pair of the right shoes. But just fifty years ago, running was viewed almost exclusively as the domain of elite male athletes who competed on tracks. With insight and propulsive energy, director Pierre Morath traces running�۪s rise to the 1960s, examining how the liberation movements and newfound sense of personal freedom that defined the era took the sport out of the stadiums and onto the streets, and how legends like Steve Prefontaine, Fred Lebow, and Kathrine Switzer redefined running as a populist phenomenon.