Race, Kanada, Nemčija, Francija, 134 min
Imdb ocena 7.1
Žanr: biografski, drama, Športni
Igrajo: Stephan James, Jason Sudeikis, Eli Goree, Shanice Banton
Režija: Stephen Hopkins
Avtorji: Joe Shrapnel, Anna Waterhouse
Jezik: angleški, nemški
Slovenski opis filma:
Resnična zgodba o izjemnem temnopoltem atletu Jesseju Owensu, ki je na olimpijskih igrah leta 1936 v Berlinu, v takratnem osrčju nacizma, pometel s konkurenco. Jesse se že v mladosti dokazuje kot izjemen športnik, toda zaradi temne polti je v ZDA velikokrat žrtev rasnega razlikovanja. Pod svoje okrilje ga vzame trener Larry, ki ga začne pripravljati na olimpijske igre. Kljub številnim rekordom se Jesse še vedno čuti potisnjenega ob stran, zato se mora odločiti, ali naj kot športnik odpotuje na olimpijske igre ali pa pokaže solidarnost z drugimi zatiranimi temnopoltimi Američani in tekmovanje bojkotira. Naslov izvirnika: Leto produkcije: 2016 Država: koprodukcija Žanr: biografska drama Režija: Stephen Hopkins Scenarij: Joe Shrapnel, Anna Waterhouse Igrajo: Stephan James, Jason Sudeikis, Jeremy Irons, William Hurt
Originalni opis filma:
In the 1930s, Jesse Owens is a young man who is the first in his family to go to college. Going to Ohio State to train under its track and field coach, Larry Snyder, the young African American athlete quickly impresses with his tremendous potential that suggests Olympic material. However, as Owens struggles both with the obligations of his life and the virulent racism against him, the question of whether America would compete at all at the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany is being debated vigorously. When the American envoy finds a compromise persuasive with the Third Reich to avert a boycott, Owens has his own moral struggle about going. Upon resolving that issue, Owens and his coach travel to Berlin to participate in a competition that would mark Owens as the greatest of America's Olympians even as the German film director, Leni Riefenstahl, locks horns with her country's Propaganda Minister, Josef Goebbels, to film the politically embarrassing fact for posterity.