DC Super junakinje: Medgalaktične igre
DC Super Hero Girls: Intergalactic Games, ZDA, 77 min
Imdb ocena 5.4
Žanr: risani, akcijski, avantura, komedija, družinski, fantazijski, znanstvena fantastika
Igrajo: Yvette Nicole Brown, Greg Cipes, Romi Dames, Jessica DiCicco
Režija: Cecilia Aranovich
Avtorji: Shea Fontana, Jerry Siegel (based on the characters created by), Joe Shuster (based on the characters created by), William Moulton Marston (character created by: Wonder Woman), John Ostrander (character created by: Amanda Waller), John Byrne (character cr
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Srednješolske super junakinje, kot so Supergirl, Batgirl in Čudežna ženska, se veselijo Medgalaktičnih iger, kjer se bodo pomerile z drugimi ekipami in poskušale svoji šoli priboriti zmago. Toda na obzorju so težave, saj Lena Luthor izkoristi dogodek za uresničitev svojega zlobnega načrta. Super junakinje morajo uporabiti svoje moči in se spopasti s silami zla, da bi zaščitile šolo.
Originalni opis filma:
Get ready for the Intergalactic Games; a friendly competition that aims to bring peace throughout the galaxy, but with these teams competing, it may get a little fierce! Facing off against Korguar Academy and the Female Furies, can the Super Hero High team bring home the championship? Team up with Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Batgirl as they uncover an even greater challenge off the field, as one of the teams has a much more sinister motive for joining the competition. Let the games and the action begin. It's time for DC Super Hero Girls animated movie!