Lego DC Super junakinje: Beg možganov
Lego DC Super Hero Girls: Brain Drain, ZDA, 75 min
Imdb ocena 5.2
Žanr: risani, akcijski, avantura, komedija, družinski, fantazijski, znanstvena fantastika
Igrajo: Yvette Nicole Brown, Greg Cipes, Hiromi Dames, John DiMaggio
Režija: Todd Grimes
Avtorji: Jeremy Adams, James Krieg (story editor), John Ostrander (character created by: Amanda Waller), John Byrne (character created by: Amanda Waller), Arnold Drake (character created by: Beast Boy), Bob Rozakis (character created by: Bumblebee), Jose Delbo (ch
Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:
Tokrat se super junakinje posvetijo skrivnostnemu izginotju svojih spominov. Ko Supergirl, Čudežna ženska, Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Bumblebee, Strupena Ivy in Katana nenadoma ugotovijo, da se ne spomnijo niti enega trenutka prejšnjega dne, se odločijo, da bodo raziskale zadevo. Dekleta združijo moči in se skušajo spomniti delčkov iz preteklosti, da bi razkrile skrivnost in identiteto osebe, ki jim je ukradla spomin.
Originalni opis filma:
The DC Super Girls go LEGO® in this animated adventure brimming with brain-twisting action! The mind games are only beginning when Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Batgirl have no recollection of a series of wrongdoings that they were responsible for. Who can the girls turn to when even Bumblebee, Katana and other members of Super Hero High are also up to no good? It will take more than super powers to untangle this mental mix-up and find out who or what is behind these mind-bending misdoings! Get up and get your cape on for the ultimate in LEGO® girl power!