Mladostna napaka
Story of a Girl, Kanada, ZDA, 90 min
Imdb ocena 6.3
Žanr: drama
Igrajo: Kevin Bacon, Sosie Bacon, Tyler Johnston, Sarah Grey
Režija: Kyra Sedgwick
Avtorji: Laurie Collyer (screenplay by), Emily Bickford Lansbury (screenplay by), Sara Zarr (based on the book by)
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Šestnajstletni Deanni se čez noč življenje spremeni v pravi pekel, ko na socialna omrežja pricurlja njen intimni videoposnetek seksa s Tommyjem. Po škandalu se mora soočiti z zbadanjem in žaljivkami svojih vrstnikov ter očetovim razočaranjem, zato se trudi, da bi pobegnila senci preteklosti, ki jo preganja. Film je režijski prvenec hollywoodske zvezdnice Kyre Sedgwick, ki je povzet po nagrajenem romanu pisateljice Sare Zarr.
Originalni opis filma:
When a compromising video of sixteen year old Deanna Lambert hits social media, her teenage life is changed forever. Overcoming bullies, hurtful school-yard taunts and the enduring rage and disappointment of her father, Deanna longs to escape a life defined by her past. Directed by Kyra Sedgwick (feature directorial debut) and starring Ryann Shane, Jon Tenney and Kevin Bacon, based on Sara Zarr's award winning novel, Story of a Girl is a coming of age drama about a young woman pushing beyond the shadow of her past to become the author of her own life.