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Žena oskrbnika živalskega vrta

Žena oskrbnika živalskega vrta, 2017

The Zookeeper's Wife, Češka, United Kingdom, United States, 127 min

Imdb ocena 7.0

Žanr: biografski, drama, zgodovinski

Igrajo: Jessica Chastain, Johan Heldenbergh, Daniel Brühl

Režija: Niki Caro

Avtorji: Angela Workman, Diane Ackerman

Jezik: angleški, nemški, hebrejski

Žena oskrbnika živalskega vrta - The Zookeeper's Wife

Slovenski opis filma:

Biografska drama o zakoncih, ki sta med drugo svetovno vojno kot oskrbnika varšavskega živalskega vrta rešila življenja številnim Judom. Varšava leta 1939. Čeprav se nad mestom zgrinjajo oblaki vojne, zakonca Jan in Antonina Zabinski še vedno opravljata dnevno rutino lastnikov in oskrbnikov tamkajšnjega živalskega vrta – enega največjih v predvojni Evropi. Vse to se spremeni, ko Hitlerjeve sile napadejo poljsko prestolnico. Življenjsko delo mladih zakoncev se v trenutku sesuje v prah. Iz zaprtega živalskega vrta, v katerem so tragično poginile številne živali, Jan in Antonina ustvarita skrivno zatočišče za preganjane Jude in s svojimi nesebičnimi napori rešita 300 življenj.

Originalni opis filma:

As war brews over in 1939 Warsaw, and while life is still running its course, the Germans are gradually making their presence felt, with Adolf Hitler secretly preparing for the invasion of Poland. Under those volatile circumstances, the couple of Jan Zabinski and Antonina Zabinska continue with their daily routine as owners of the Warsaw Zoo; however, their life's work, and the city, will turn to ashes when the Luftwaffe's horrific Stukas begin to hammer the capital. Now, with the zoo liquidated for the war effort, and many of its animals tragically perished, what was once a menagerie, will now serve as a sanctuary, where the pair of veterinarians can hide the persecuted Polish-Jewish people in plain sight. Indeed, that was the dangerous plan of the two altruists, who, regardless of the consequences, refused to wither before the Nazi menace, and sheltered three hundred Jewish men, women, and children right under the noses of the enemy. Will the world remember the zookeeper's wife?