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Rampage: Veliko razdejanje

Rampage: Veliko razdejanje, 2018

Rampage, United States, 107 min

Imdb ocena 6.1

Žanr: akcijski, avantura, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris, Malin Akerman

Režija: Brad Peyton

Avtorji: Ryan Engle, Carlton Cuse, Ryan J. Condal

Jezik: angleški, American Sign

Rampage: Veliko razdejanje - Rampage

Slovenski opis filma:

Akcijska pustolovščina z Dwaynom Johnsonom, ki rešuje mesto pred skupino mutiranih in podivjanih živali, na čelu katere je njegov nekdanji gorilji prijatelj. Vase zaprti primatolog Davis Okoye naveže neomajno vez z Georgom - izjemno inteligentnim odraslim goriljim samcem, za katerega skrbi že od njegovega rojstva. Po ponesrečenem genetskem poskusu pa se opica nenadoma prelevi v gromozansko besnečo zver. Kar je še huje, kmalu se podobno preobrazijo tudi nekatere druge živali in uničujejo vse, kar se jim znajde na poti, zato se jih Okoye trudi ustaviti in rešiti bitje, ki je bilo nekoč njegov prijatelj.

Originalni opis filma:

Athena-1, a space station owned by gene manipulation company Energyne, is destroyed after a laboratory rat mutates and wreaks havoc. Dr. Kerry Atkins, the lone surviving crew member, is ordered by CEO Claire Wyden to retrieve research canisters containing a pathogen. Atkins is able to flee in the escape pod when the station implodes, but due to damage from the rat it disintegrates upon re-entry, killing her. The falling pieces leave a trail of debris across the United States, including the Everglades in Florida, where a canister is consumed by an American crocodile, and a forest in Wyoming, where a gray wolf is exposed to the pathogen. Primatologist Davis Okoye, a former US Army Special Forces soldier and member of an anti-poaching unit, works at the San Diego Wildlife Sanctuary. He has befriended a rare albino western lowland gorilla named George, having saved him from poachers, and communicates with George using sign language and hand gestures. At night, one of the canisters crash-lands in George's habitat, and George is exposed to the pathogen..