Dvanajst božičnih kužkov
12 Pups of Christmas, United States, 85 min
Imdb ocena 4.3
Žanr: risani, drama, družinski
Igrajo: Charlotte Sullivan, Donny Boaz, Elizabeth Small
Režija: Michael Feifer
Avtorji: Michael Feifer
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Erin je pasja terapevtka, ki se skuša pobrati bo bolečem razhodu s partnerjem tik pred božičnimi prazniki. V novi službi ima opravka z zahtevnim in egocentričnim šefom Martinom, ki ji že prvi dan naloži težko nalogo. Erin mora najti domove za dvanajst kužkov, ki so jih zapustili po fotografiranju, in na ta način pomagati Martinu rešiti njegovo podjetje. Erin in Martin začneta sodelovati in odkrivati pozitivne lastnosti drug drugega. Bo med njima tik pred božičem preskočila tudi iskrica?
Originalni opis filma:
Recently single and starting a new job in a different city, Erin, a canine therapist, is getting a fresh start. But just when she thought her new life would be the reset she needed, her self-centered boss, Martin, tasks Erin with finding homes for 12 puppies who were left behind after a photo shoot for his struggling GPS locator company - and all before Christmas. As they work together, Erin realizes Martin may not be so bad after all, and her take-charge attitude not only helps Martin save his company, but also reveals a calmer, better self that opens them both up to the idea of love.