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Lola in morje

Lola in morje, 2019

Lola vers la mer, Belgija, Francija, 90 min

Imdb ocena 6.5

Žanr: drama

Igrajo: Mya Bollaers, Benoît Magimel, Els Deceukelier

Režija: Laurent Micheli

Avtorji: Laurent Micheli

Jezik: francoski, Flemish

Lola in morje - Lola vers la mer

Slovenski opis filma:

Drama. Lola, osemnajstletnica, s pobarvanimi belimi lasmi, živi pri rejniški družini s Samirjem, edinim prijateljem. Vzkipljiva je in osamljena, trudi se diplomirati in postati veterinarska asistentka. Ko ji umre mama Catherine, na sedmini sreča odtujenega očeta Philippa. Dve leti pred tem, ko je bila Lola še Lionel, jo je oče vrgel iz hiše; nikakor se namreč ni mogel sprijazniti s spremembo sinovega spola. Zdaj je Philippe odločen izpolniti ženino zadnjo željo in raztrositi njen pepel v Severno morje, ob sipinah, kjer je Lola preživela otroštvo kot Lionel. Čeprav je Lola besna na očeta in prizadeta, noče zapustiti mame na njeni zadnji poti, zato prisede k očetu in odpotujeta proti morju. / BELG, FRA / 2019 Režija: Laurent Micheli / Scenarij: Laurent Micheli / Igrajo: Mya Bollaers, Benoît Magimel, Els Deceukelier, Sami Outalbali, Jérémie Zagba, Delphine Bibet, Adriana da Fonseca, Anémone Valcke, Anne-Marie Loop, Thao Maerten, Rania Saddiki, Kris Swinnen, Robbie Cleiren, Mathias Sercu, Vincenzo De Jonghe …

Originalni opis filma:

Lola, 18 years old, bleach blonde hair, lives in a foster home with Samir, her only friend. Impulsive and lonely, she is trying to get her diploma as a veterinary assistant. When her mother passes away, her father Phillip makes sure that Lola will miss the ceremony. Two years before that, Philip was throwing her out of the family home: at the time, Lola was still Lionel - Philippe is determined to fulfill Catherine's last wish: to be dispersed to the North Sea, in the dunes of her childhood home. Lola on the other hand is furious against her father, but she will not leave her mother alone in this last journey. So they take off together, both unwilling to share a car but determined to take Catherine home.