Pavarotti, United States, United Kingdom, Francija, Italija, 114 min
Imdb ocena 7.5
Žanr: dokumentarni, biografski, glasbeni
Igrajo: Luciano Pavarotti, Andrea Griminelli, Nicoletta Mantovani
Režija: Ron Howard
Avtorji: Cassidy Hartmann, Mark Monroe
Jezik: angleški, italijanski, španski, francoski, ruski
Slovenski opis filma:
Luciano Pavarotti ni bil le eden najbolj nadarjenih in najbolj priljubljenih opernih pevcev na svetu, imel je poslanstvo: ponesti opero med vse ljubitelje glasbe in jo približati množicam. K temu cilju je usmeril vse svoje vrline, od glasbene virtuoznosti do silovite karizme, slave in popularnosti. S svojim izjemnim talentom in širokosrčnostjo je kraljeval največjim glasbenim odrom in osvajal srca občinstev širom sveta. Presunljiv portret legendarnega tenorja in enega najbolj priljubljenih opernih pevcev vseh časov. V biografskem dokumentarcu Rona Howarda se ikonični nastopi, s katerimi se je Pavarotti zapisal v zgodovino, prepletajo z intimnimi pogovori in še nikoli videnimi posnetki.
Originalni opis filma:
Born in 1935 in Modena in the working-class family of a baker father and a mother who worked in a cigar factory, since his childhood Luciano Pavarotti had a passion for opera because of his father, an amateur tenor. Blessed with a powerful voice and student of Italy's most important opera teachers of the times, Pavarotti soon made his name a reference of the genre, giving some of the most memorable live performances in the world's most important theaters, meeting with politicians and world leaders as well as rock and pop singers to present concerts for humanitarian causes, surpassing any limit when he was part of The Three Tenors with José Carreras and Plácido Domingo. Using archive footage, unreleased material from home videos and photos, and interviews from his family and closest friends, legendary director Ron Howard reviews the professional career of the man who turned opera into a mass phenomenon as never before, and also discovering the personal life of the man behind the star.