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Ugrabitev v mraku

Ugrabitev v mraku, 2019

Abduction, Kitajska, 98 min

Imdb ocena 4.6

Žanr: akcijski, grozljivka, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Scott Adkins, Andy On, Truong Ngoc Anh

Režija: Ernie Barbarash

Avtorji: Mike MacLean

Ugrabitev v mraku - Abduction

Slovenski opis filma:

Andrew Quinn se znajde v fontani sredi parka in se ne spomni preteklih dogodkov. Vse kar ve je, da je njegova hčerka Lucy pogrešana. Kmalu doživi šok, saj se nazadnje spomni leta 1985 in Anglije, sedaj pa se je nekako znašel v Vietnamu v letu 2018. Andrew začne tavati po mestu in skuša sestaviti manjkajoče dele sestavljanke, da bi ugotovil, kdo so skrivnostne osebe, ki ga preganjajo ter kaj se je zgodilo Lucy. Potovanje ga bo pripeljalo do roba resničnosti.

Originalni opis filma:

This pulse-pounding action thriller pits two strangers against a nefarious alien force, with the future of mankind hanging in the balance. Quinn Scott Adkins, a member of a SWAT unit, steps out of a park fountain in an Asian city with no recollection of who he is or where he came from. As he pieces together clues from his past, he vaguely recalls his young daughter, who has been kidnapped. Meanwhile, Connor Andy On, a former military operative turned gangster-for-hire, discovers that his wife has also disappeared mysteriously in the middle of the night. These two men, with little in common, realize they must work together to find their loved ones and thwart their mysterious abductors.