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Duhovi, 2020

Ghosts, United Kingdom

Žanr: drama

Igrajo: Jon Xue Zhang, Paige Meade, Céline Beran

Režija: Tim Porter

Avtorji: Tim Porter

Jezik: angleški

Duhovi - Ghosts

Slovenski opis filma:

Zgodba o urbani preobrazbi Istanbula spremlja štiri različne like istega dne: mater, katere sin je v zaporu, mlado žensko, predano plesu, aktivistko in umetnico ter iznajdljivega spletkarskega posrednika.V namišljeni bližnji prihodnosti se Turčija sooča z nerazložljivo družbeno preobrazbo, ki prinaša socialne nemire in nasilje na ulicah. Štirje posamezniki kot tavajoči duhovi odražajo različne vidike zmedene države na robu spopada. S časovnimi preskoki se ponavljajo prizori iz različnih zornih kotov, pripovedna sestavljanka pa prinaša niz velikih nasprotij in protislovij: portret družbe, ki se pogreza v temo. Zgodba o urbani preobrazbi Istanbula spremlja štiri različne like istega dne: mater, katere sin je v zaporu, mlado žensko, predano plesu, aktivistko in umetnico ter iznajdljivega spletkarskega posrednika.

Originalni opis filma:

Jake, a young teenager from south east London - runaway's after a near fatal drunken attack by his abusive mother. Taking lodging at his best friends house Suhait, Jake prepares to become his own man. With no idea of who or what he wants to become, Jake sets out to find a job and muster up the courage to ask out Lika, a young Muslim girl from his estate. Jasmine, a sheltered daddy's girl from - is leaving home to study nursing in London. Having never been away from home, she struggles to fit in with her new lifestyle. After witnessing a standoff at freshers fair, she befriends a young feminist Olivia. With a student loan in the bank and her new found friendship flourishing, Jasmine transforms into a complete different person. After several months on living life to the max, Jasmine's luck runs out as she becomes bankrupt. After being kicked out by Suhait's mother, who sees him as a negative influence on her son, Jake finds luck by being taken under the wing of Tyrone, an ex-offender that runs a garage. He also manages the courage to go on a first date with Lika. Unbeknownst to Jake, Lika is already married. Her spouse Saeed violently assaults Jake and his wife, in an act of violence that will change the course of everyone involved. With the stress of balancing her studies, balancing several jobs and worrying that she could become homeless at any point, Jasmine and Jake's fragile paths are about to cross. One is out for revenge at any costs. The other is trying to survive but at what cost?