Slabe zgodbe
Bad Tales, Italija, Švica, 98 min
Imdb ocena 6.4
Žanr: drama, misterij, triler
Igrajo: Elio Germano, Tommaso Di Cola, Giulietta Rebeggiani
Režija: Damiano D'Innocenzo, Fabio D'Innocenzo
Avtorji: Damiano D'Innocenzo, Fabio D'Innocenzo
Jezik: italijanski
Slovenski opis filma:
V majhnem družinskem predmestju Rima razposajena poletna vročina prikriva gosto vzdušje odtujenosti. Od daleč so družine videti običajno, vendar je to le utvara. Napetosti bi tam lahko vsak čas eksplodirale.V majhnem družinskem predmestju na obronkih Rima razposajena poletna vročina prikriva gosto vzdušje odtujenosti med ljudmi. Od daleč so družine videti običajno, vendar je to le utvara: v hišah, na dvoriščih in vrtovih tišina objema pretanjeni sadizem očetov, pasivnost in nemoč mater ter s krivdo zaznamovano malodušje odraslih. Ampak obup in potlačeni bes otrok bosta vsak čas eksplodirala ter zarezala skozi groteskno družbeno pročelje, kar bo v celotni skupnosti imelo usodne posledice.
Originalni opis filma:
The sweltering summer heat beats down on a sterile residential estate in the suburbs of Rome. Many a family lives here that no longer belongs anywhere. There is a mysterious sense of unease that can explode at any moment. Parents are constantly frustrated because they are not from a better suburb, and the kind of middle-class life they had hoped for is beyond their reach. But their children are the real protagonists of the shock wave that propels the entire estate towards collapse. An almost atavistic rage glimmers in the relationships and events portrayed in the directors' rigorous mise-en-scène. An unreliable narrator guides us, sweetly and sarcastically, through this dark fairy tale. A story about women and men who see their hopes and dreams falling by the wayside all too soon.