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Troli na svetovni turneji

Troli na svetovni turneji, 2020

Trolls World Tour, United States, 91 min

Imdb ocena 6.1

Žanr: risani, avantura, komedija

Igrajo: Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake, Rachel Bloom

Režija: Walt Dohrn, David P. Smith

Avtorji: Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger, Maya Forbes

Jezik: angleški

Troli na svetovni turneji - Trolls World Tour

Slovenski opis filma:

Popi in Veja morata združiti šest različnih plemen Trolov, predanih različnim glasbenim žanrom, da bi našli skupno harmonijo, ki bo rešila vse.Svet kraljice Popi in Veje bo postal večji in glasnejši, potem ko izvesta, da pripadata le enemu od plemen Trolov, ki se posvečajo šestim različnim vrstam glasbe: funk, country, tehno, klasična, pop in rock. Naši junaki se odpravijo na pustolovščino.

Originalni opis filma:

Poppy and Branch discover that they are but one of six different Troll tribes scattered over six different lands devoted to six different kinds of music: Funk, Country, Techno, Classical, Pop and Rock. Their world is about to get a lot bigger and a whole lot louder. A member of hard-rock royalty, Queen Barb, aided by her father King Thrash, wants to destroy all other kinds of music to let rock reign supreme. With the fate of the world at stake, Poppy and Branch, along with their friends, set out to visit all the other lands to unify the Trolls in harmony against Barb, who's looking to upstage them all.