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Vzemi si vse

Vzemi si vse, 2020

Echo Boomers, United States, 94 min

Imdb ocena 5.3

Žanr: akcijski, kriminalni, drama

Igrajo: Michael Shannon, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Alex Pettyfer

Režija: Seth Savoy

Avtorji: Kevin Bernhardt, Jason Miller, Seth Savoy

Jezik: angleški

Vzemi si vse - Echo Boomers

Slovenski opis filma:

V napeti kriminalki z Michaelom Shannonom in Patrickom Schwarzeneggerjem spremljamo mladega Lancea, ki se po šolanju znajde v velikih dolgovih, zato se pridruži kriminalni združbi, ki ropa bogataše. Ker nimajo ničesar za izgubiti, za seboj puščajo uničenje, toda ko jim policija pride na sled, se začne napetost stopnjevati.

Originalni opis filma:

Two-time Academy Award nominee Michael Shannon (Knives Out) stars in this gripping crime-thriller filled with pulse-pounding twists and turns. A recent college graduate Lance Zutterland (Patrick Schwarzenegger) leaves school in debt, realizing everything he had worked towards was built on a lie. When he is pulled into a criminal underground operation, he finds his peers fighting the system by stealing from the rich and giving to - themselves. With nothing to lose, they leave behind a trail of destruction but with the cops closing in, tensions mount and Lance soon discovers he is in over his head with no way out.