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Cvetje in med

Cvetje in med, 2021

Flowers and Honey, United States, 88 min

Žanr: romantični

Igrajo: Ashley Newbrough, Jamie Roy, Samantha Cope

Režija: Brian Skiba

Avtorji: Helen Marsh, Joseph Nasser

Jezik: angleški

Slovenski opis filma:

V romantični drami Cvetje in med spremljamo mlado cvetličarko Sarah, ki se ji življenje drastično spremeni, ko njena teta umre in ji zapusti svoj ranč. Sarah je kot otrok obiskovala tetino posestvo in ga obožuje, toda sedaj ni prepričana, kaj želi narediti z rančem. S pomočjo soseda, čebelarja Hanka, se loti obdelovanja zemlje in se povsem nepričakovano zbliža z njim. Se bo vrnila v svojo cvetličarno v Los Angelesu ali bo ostala na podeželju?

Originalni opis filma:

Florist Sarah's life changes drastically when her aunt dies and leaves her ranch to her. Sarah used to visit the ranch as a child and loves it. She is not sure what she wants to do with the ranch. With the help of her neighbor, beekeeper Hank, she tackles the land and grows closer and closer to him. Does she still want to return to her boyfriend and the flower shop in Los Angeles?