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Dobrodošli v Karolini

Dobrodošli v Karolini, 2021

Carolina's Calling, United States, 93 min

Imdb ocena 3.3

Žanr: avantura, komedija, znanstvena fantastika

Igrajo: Antonio Sabato Jr., Stacey Dash, Jacob Hopkins

Režija: Michael Saquella

Avtorji: Dawn Arviso, Michael Saquella

Jezik: angleški

Dobrodošli v Karolini - Carolina's Calling

Slovenski opis filma:

Ko nerodni znanstvenik Martin povzroči tako močno eksplozijo, da uniči njegov laboratorij in pošlje eksplozijo v vesolje, ta zadene nič hudega slutečo vesoljsko ladjo. Vesoljec Bob strmoglavi z neba in pristane na območju Južne Karoline, kjer spozna Martina, s katerim se spoprijateljita in združita moči, da bi nezemljana poslala nazaj domov.

Originalni opis filma:

So three shady scientists fire up a blue box of energy, which will make all other forms of energy obsolete, and they don't even put on safety goggles. Stars antonio sabato as marty haas. Something or someone is calling marty to the east coast, but he's not sure why. We spend a lot of time on that idea, which they borrowed from close encounters. The script needs major work and most of the acting is less than stellar. I wondered if it was aimed at a younger crowd, but there is swearing, violence, even talk of bull genitals, so i guess it's not meant for kids! Later on, we revisit the energy invention; apparently, the explosion from the energy box knocked an alien's space ship out of the sky, right into the carolinas. An hour in, we have a plot! Marty agrees to help the alien. No details needed, we'll just get a welder and do it. So silly. I made it through to the end, but it took a lot of effort. Directed by michael saquella.