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Jesus Lopez

Jesus Lopez, 2021

Jesús López, Francija, Argentina, 86 min

Žanr: drama

Igrajo: Lucas Schell, Joaquin Spahn, Sofia Palomino

Režija: Maximiliano Schonfeld

Avtorji: Selva Almada, Maximiliano Schonfeld

Jezik: španski

Slovenski opis filma:

Jesús López, mladi dirkač, umre v nesreči. Njegov bratranec Abel, izgubljeni najstnik, meni, da ga mora nadomestiti. Preseli se k Jesúsovim staršem, nosi njegova oblačila in se zbliža z njegovimi prijatelji in bivšo punco. Jesús López, mladi dirkač, umre v nesreči, vsi v njegovi vasi pa so pretreseni. Njegov bratranec Abel, izgubljeni najstnik, meni, da ga mora nadomestiti. Preseli se k Jesúsovim staršem, nosi njegova oblačila in se zbliža z njegovimi prijatelji in bivšo punco. Sprva ga vsi sprejmejo in Abelu je všeč vloga. Ampak podobnost z bratrancem postane pretresljiva, saj se začne spreminjati v Jesúsa Lópeza. V vasi priredijo dirko v spomin na Jesúsa, Abel pa vozi pokojnikov avto. Izid dirke bo določil, ali bo preobrazba uspešna.

Originalni opis filma:

Jesús López, a young racing driver, dies accidentally leaving his village in astonishment. His cousin Abel, a drifting teenager, gradually feels tempted to take his place. He moves in with Jesús' parents, wears his clothes, gets closer to his friends and ex-girlfriend. At first, people accept him and Abel takes a liking to the role. But the resemblance to his cousin becomes disturbing, to the point that he ends up transforming into Jesús López. A car race in homage to Jesús is organized in the village. Animated by the spirit of his cousin, Abel drives the deceased's car. The outcome of this race will determine whether or not the result of the transformation becomes definitive.