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Prijateljice, 2021

Chavalas, Španija, 91 min

Imdb ocena 5.9

Žanr: komedija

Igrajo: Vicky Luengo, Carolina Yuste, Elisabet Casanovas

Režija: Carol Rodríguez Colás

Avtorji: Marina Rodríguez Colás

Jezik: španski

Slovenski opis filma:

Komedija. 2021, Barcelona. Štiri dekleta, ki so se spoprijateljile kot najstnice, so sedaj odrasle ženske, pred katerimi so resne odločitve. Sedemindvajsetletna Martha je umetniška fotografinja, ki dela za pomembno britansko podjetje, živi pa s prijateljico Lili, prav tako fotografinjo. Šef britanskega podjetja v Barceloni, Ray, Marthi sporoči slabo novico; podjetje se bo preselilo nazaj v London in odpustilo nekatere delavce, tudi Martho. Ray je namreč naveličan čakati na naj fotografijo, ki mu jo je Martha obljubila, ko se je zaposlila. Tudi Lili jo zapusti in se preseli v industrijsko poslopje, ki so ga preuredili v umetniško galerijo in komuno za umetnike. Martha se naenkrat znajde sama in brez denarja in tako se odseli v svoje rojstno mesto Cornella, nekaj kilometrov oddaljeno od Barcelone. Njeni starši jo toplo sprejmejo, a še pomembnejše je snidenje s prijateljicami iz mladosti Beo, Sorayo in Desi. Martha se sprva ne znajde; izgubljena je v svetu in v sebi. Ne ve točno, kaj bi počela, še najbolj terapevtsko se ji zdi obujanje spominov s prijateljicami … Svoji prijateljici Lili, ki je ostala v Barceloni, reče, da se je zaposlila v majhnem studiu v Stockholmu, saj jo je sram priznati, da se je zaposlila v rodnem mestu v ateljeju za poročne fotografije. Toda kaj bo, ko bo resnica prišla na dan? / ŠPANIJA / 2021 Režija: Carol Rodríguez Colás / Scenarij: Marina Rodríguez Colás / Igrajo: Vicky Luengo, Carolina Yuste, Elisabet Casanovas, Ángela Cervantes, José Mota, Ana Fernández, Cristina Plazas, Mario Zorrilla, Andreas Muñoz, Frank Feys, Louise Good in drugi …

Originalni opis filma:

2021, Barcelona (Barcelona, Catalonia; north-east to Spain). At 27, Marta is an artistic photographer working for an important British company set in the city and living with the too photographer and friend Lili. However, her boss Ray gives her bad news: the company will return to London by a removal of personnel, being fired because Ray is tired to await the "greatest photo" she promised him when he hired her years ago. As if it wasn't enough, Lili leaves Marta to move to an industrial unit re-used as art gallery where it has been enabled a commune for artists. Alone and with no money, Marta accepts the offer of her school classmate and friend Bea, returning to her natal city, Cornella (8.2 miles or 13.2 kilometers from Barcelona), reuniting with Bea, Soraya and Desi, as well as her parents Juan and Maricarmen. Feeling as lost in the world as lost in herself, Marta spends the days remembering old times with Bea, Desi and Soraya, owner of a bar where Desi works as waiter, while she cheats Lili making believe her that she works in a little known studio in Stockholm hoping to be accepted in the commune, and finds a job working for Ramón in his photo shop specialized in weddings, baptisms and communions. Frustrated by her wish to have a life of full of greatness and fame faraway of her worker-class origins, Marta constantly discusses with her friends as well her mother, who still treats her as a little child. But one day her world of illusions tears apart: during a celebration with all the group of girls, Lili appears by surprise in Cornella meeting Marta and the group, unveiling the truth about Stockholm and causing that Bea, Desi and Soraya reject her. In the attempt to arrange the things with her friends, Marta not only will find a chance to reconcile with her origins and who really she is, but the chance to be the artist that she always wanted to be.