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Sladka polomija

Sladka polomija, 2021

Sweet Disaster, Nemčija, 90 min

Imdb ocena 5.9

Žanr: komedija, drama, družinski

Igrajo: Friederike Kempter, Lena Urzendowsky, Florian Lukas

Režija: Laura Lehmus

Avtorji: Ruth Toma

Jezik: nemški

Slovenski opis filma:

Simpatična romantična komedija o ženski, ki se pripravlja na samohranilstvo 40-letna Frida je srečna z novim fantom Felixom in nekega dne izve, da je zanosila. Ko veselo novico obelodani ljubljenemu partnerju, pričakuje vse kaj drugega kot to, kar jo čaka. Felix jo namreč nemudoma zapusti in se vrne k nekdanjemu dekletu, ki jo ljubi bolj kot Frido. Nosečnici se v enem dnevu poruši življenje, nenadoma ji tudi v službi ne gre več, njeno telo pa jo izdaja. Felixa poskuša dobiti nazaj. Spoprijatelji se z mladoletno sosedo, ki ji je v oporo v težkih časih. Izvirni naslov: / Nemški film, 2021 / Režija: Laura Lehmus / Scenarij: Ruth Toma / Igralci: Katharina Behrens, Mareile Blendl, Elisabeth Clark-Hasters

Originalni opis filma:

For painting therapist Frida, the good news is that at 40 years old, she has become pregnant. The bad news is that the father of her child is leaving to reunite with his ex. This just won't do for Frida; so despite the increasing pressures on her body of a late pregnancy, she comes up with a series of harebrained methods to win him back. After 2014 short AlieNation took on puberty-stricken teenagers, first-time feature filmmaker Laura Lehmus finds all the right brush strokes in this witty, enlivening story about what to do when it all goes wrong. She is never afraid to incorporate colour - both metaphorically and literally. German star Freiderike Kempter gives a layered central performance, hitting all the comic beats but also giving space for us to acknowledge the troubles Frida is feeling. We can't help but feel schadenfreude as Frida's schemes flicker and fail; but we also feel a strong empathy for a woman who is fighting back against the vicissitudes of existence, even as new life grows within her. Not since Toni Erdmann have cliches around German humour been so artfully disproven.