Izgubljeni kralj
The Lost King, United Kingdom, 108 min
Imdb ocena 6.6
Žanr: komedija, drama
Igrajo: Sally Hawkins, Shonagh Price, Helen Katamba
Režija: Stephen Frears
Avtorji: Steve Coogan, Michael Jones, Philippa Langley
Jezik: angleški
Slovenski opis filma:
Resnična zgodba o ženski, ki se je spopadla z uglednimi zgodovinarji, da bi znova razmislili o enem najbolj kontroverznih kraljev v zgodovini Anglije.Leta 2012 so bili pod parkiriščem v Leicestru odkriti posmrtni ostanki kralja Riharda III. Iskanje je vodila amaterska zgodovinarka Philippa Langley, katere raziskovanje je naletelo na nerazumevanje prijateljev ter dvome strokovnjakov in akademikov.
Originalni opis filma:
In 2012, having been lost for over 500 years, the remains of King Richard III were discovered beneath a carpark in Leicester. The search had been orchestrated by an amateur historian, Philippa Langley, whose unrelenting research had been met with incomprehension by her friends and family and with scepticism by experts and academics. THE LOST KING is the life-affirming true story of a woman who refused to be ignored and who took on the country's most eminent historians, forcing them to think again about one of the most infamous kings in England's history.